PRH 2.4 - 4 pack


General terms and conditions of the prize draw
"PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack"

1. General Provisions

The following rules govern the conduct of and participation in the "PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack" prize draw. Organiser and provider.

The prize draw is conducted in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and runs from 06.08.2024 to 09.08.2024 23:59. All entrants who enter the Sweepstakes accept these General Terms and Conditions, are deemed to have read them and agree to be bound by them in their entirety by entering the prize draw.

2. Purpose of the Prize draw

The purpose of the "PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack" prize draw ("the prize draw") is to promote Bevog Brewery. Advertising and participation in the prize draw shall be in accordance with the regulations on advertising of services represented by the prize draw organiser.

3. Participants

The prize draw is open to all natural persons of legal age attending the PRH 2.4 Festival. The prize draw is not open to the prize draw operators, their immediate family members (spouse, civil partner, parents, children), and other persons who are directly involved in the prize draw in any way.
Each entrant may only enter the Sweepstakes on his/her own behalf and by entering the Sweepstakes, each entrant acknowledges that all personal information provided is his/her own personal information and that he/she agrees to these Rules. The prize is non-transferable. The winner waives any claim against the Promoter.

4. Method of participation

Participation is possible via Instagram. A prize can only be awarded once.
All Instagram users who, during the duration of the prize draw, post a story sharing their crazy moment with the festival beer PRH! 2.4 - Tales by the campfire and tag the Instagram profiles bevog_brewery and punkrockholiday in it.
From all those who participate in the raffle, we will choose a winner each day for the duration of the raffle who will receive a free 4-pack of PRH 2.4. Tales by the campfire festival beer. Participation is limited to entrants who participate during the duration of the prize draw.
Each person can enter the prize draw more than once. Any participation costs (access to the web, purchase in the online shop) are the responsibility of the prize draw participants. A participant may cancel his/her participation in the prize draw at any time. Cancellation must be requested by sending an e-mail to the organiser's e-mail address In this case, the participant will be excluded from further participation in the prize draw and from all purposes of processing of personal and other data resulting from the prize draw.
Any use or reasonable suspicion of the use of false or duplicate profiles shall be sanctioned by the exclusion of the participant from the prize draw.
Prize winners will be notified via the instagram profile from which they posted the story.

5. Prizes:

4 prizes will be awarded in the competition

4x 4 pack of PRH 2.4. Tales by the campfire beer

The prize is not redeemable or transferable to any third party, nor can the prize be claimed for cash equivalent. The value of the prize does not exceed €42.00 and is therefore not taxable.

6. Drawing, awarding of prizes and notification of winners

The selection of the winner will take place each day of the competition at the headquarters of the prize provider and will be carried out by a jury approved by the organiser.

The selection will be made by a 3-member panel of representatives of the Contractor, meeting the requirements of Article 4, selecting the winner from among all entrants in the Prize Draw. The winner will be selected on the basis of the originality of the story submitted, by a vote of the members of the jury. The selection will be recorded or a record will be kept of the selection. The recording or the minutes will be kept at the headquarters of the prize organiser in accordance with these rules.

The winner will be notified by Instagram private message at the end of the competition. By entering the Sweepstakes, all entrants expressly and irrevocably consent to the use of their profile information for the purpose of announcing the results of the Sweepstakes. The results of the prize draw are final and cannot be appealed.

7. Claiming the prize

To be eligible to win a prize, entrants must comply with the conditions set out in Article 3 and agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Sweepstakes. The winner will be contacted by the prize draw organiser and will be informed about the possibility of claiming the prize.

The winner will be able to collect the prize at the Bevog Brewery stand at the PRH 2.4. festival during the duration of the festival.

The Organiser reserves the right not to award prizes if:
-there is any doubt as to the identity of the information;
-the winner does not fulfil the conditions for claiming the prize;
-it is established that the user has participated in the competition in breach of the rules and conditions of the competition;
-the winner fails to come forward within two days with the additional information required by the Organiser to award the prize;
-in other cases where it would not be possible or lawful to award the prize.

8. Exclusion of liability

The Organiser accepts no liability for:
-disruption or difficulty of access to the website or the social networks Facebook or Instagram;
-any consequences suffered by any entrant as a result of participating in the prize draw or prize draw;
-undelivered prize shipments;
-any consequences arising from the use of the prizes.

9. Protection of personal data

All personal data is protected in accordance with these Rules, the general data protection acts of the prize draw organiser and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

The participant in the prize draw authorises the organiser, as the controller of the personal data collection system, to collect and process his/her personal data for the following purposes:
-to conduct the prize draw in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions;
-to inform the winners in accordance with these terms and conditions;
publishing the winners in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions;
awarding the prize.
- sharing the published story on the organisers Instagram profile

In no event will the data obtained be communicated or disclosed by the Data Controller to third parties. The participant has the right to access, copy, modify, rectify, block and delete the personal data relating to him/her. Retention period: The personal data of those selected will be processed until the performance, including the handover, after which they will be deleted. All information regarding the protection of personal data is available at For any questions and to exercise their rights, the participant may contact the Authorised Person by e-mail:

10. Documentation

The documentation relating to the prize draw shall be kept by the Contractor, as follows: documentation relating to the organisation and running of the prize draw, as well as these Rules, shall be kept at the Contractor's premises until the end of the prize draw; documentation relating to the winners (personal data notices, tax documentation) shall be kept at the Contractor's premises, in accordance with the applicable tax and accounting regulations. After the expiry of the above time limits, the Contractor shall destroy the documentation in accordance with its internal rules.

11. Access to the rules of the prize draw

The rules of the prize draw are available on the website, where they can be accessed and consulted by all participants.

12. Other provisions

The Organiser and the Contractor shall not be liable for any incorrect data submitted. The Sweepstakes Promoter's decision on all matters relating to the Sweepstakes and the rules relating thereto shall be final and binding on all entrants. In the event of any dispute or ambiguity, these rules shall prevail over any other publication, whether in print, electronic or any other form. The authentic interpretation of these rules shall be determined solely by the Promoter.
The Sweepstakes Organizer reserves the right to modify these Rules if required to do so for legal, technical or commercial reasons. Any changes to these Rules will be notified to entrants by posting them on the website, where the Rules are available.

Any disputes arising out of the prize draw which cannot be resolved amicably shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in Murska Sobota. These rules shall enter into force on the date of their adoption.

Gornja Radgona, 6 August 2024


Splošni pogoji nagradne igre

PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack”


1. Splošne določbe
Spodnja pravila določajo potek in sodelovanje v nagradni igri “PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack”. Organizator in izvajalec: BEVOG d.o.o, Grajska cesta 27, 9250 Gornja Radgona, matična št.: 1518585000, ID št. za DDV: SI79058701(v nadaljevanju: organizator).

Nagradna igra se izvaja na območju Republike Slovenije in traja od vključno 06. 08. 2024 do vključno 09. 08. 2024 23:59 ure. Vsi udeleženci, ki pristopijo k nagradni igri, sprejemajo te splošne pogoje, so z njimi seznanjeni in se z njimi s pristopom k nagradni igri v celoti strinjajo.

2. Namen nagradne igre

Namen nagradne igre “PRH! 2.4 - 4 pack” (v nadaljevanju nagradna igra) je promocija Pivovarne Bevog. Oglaševanje in udeležba v nagradni igri poteka v skladu s predpisi o oglaševanju storitev, ki jih zastopa organizator nagradne igre.


3. Udeleženci

Udeleženci nagradne igre so lahko vse polnoletne fizične osebe, ki se udeležijo festivala PRH 2.4. V nagradni igri ne morejo sodelovati izvajalci nagradne igre, njihovi ožji družinski člani (zakonec, zunajzakonski partner, starši, otroci), ter druge osebe, ki kakorkoli neposredno sodelujejo pri izvedbi nagradne igre.

Vsak udeleženec lahko sodeluje v nagradni igri le v svojem lastnem imenu in s sodelovanjem v nagradni igri potrjuje, da so vsi posredovani osebni podatki le njegovi lastni osebni podatki, ter da se strinja s temi pravili. Nagrada ni prenosljiva na druge osebe. Nagrajenec se odpoveduje kakršnim koli zahtevkom do organizatorja.


4. Način sodelovanja

Sodelovanje je omogočeno preko omrežja Instagram. Posameznik lahko nagrado prejme le enkrat. 

Sodelovanje preko omrežja Instagram: Vsi uporabniki Instagram, ki bodo v času trajanja nagradne igre objavili zgodbo (story) v kateri bodo delili svoj nor trenutek s festivalskim pivom PRH! 2.4 - Tales by the campfire in v njej označili Instagram profila bevog_brewery in punkrockholiday.

Izmed vseh, ki bodo v času trajanja nagradne igre sodelovali v nagradni igri, bomo vsak dan izbrali nagrajenca, ki bo prejel gratis 4 pack festivalskega piva PRH 2.4. Tales by the campfire. Sodelujejo izključno udeleženci, ki sodelujejo tekom trajanja nagradne igre.

Vsak posameznik lahko v nagradni igri sodeluje večkrat. Morebitne stroške sodelovanja (dostop do spleta, nakup v spletni trgovini) nosijo udeleženci nagradne igre. Udeleženec lahko kadarkoli prekliče sodelovanje v nagradni igri. Preklic mora zahtevati s poslanim elektronskim sporočilom na e-naslov organizatorja V tem primeru se sodelujoči izključi iz nadaljnjega sodelovanja v nagradni igri in vseh namenov obdelave osebnih in drugih podatkov, ki iz nagradne igre izhajajo. 

Vsaka uporaba lažnih ali dvojnih profilov ali upravičen sum tega se sankcionira z izločitvijo sodelujočega iz nagradne igre.

Dobitniki nagrad bodo obveščeni preko instagram profila iz katerega so objavili zgodbo.


5. Nagrade:

V sklopu nagradne igre bodo podeljene 4 nagrade

  • 4x 4 pack piva PRH 2.4. Tales by the campfire

Nagrade ni mogoče zamenjati, niti zahtevati njene denarne protivrednosti niti ni nagrade mogoče prenesti na tretje osebe. Vrednost nagrade ne presega 42,00 eur, zato ta nagrada ni obdavčena. 

6. Žrebanje, dodeljevanje nagrad in obveščanje nagrajencev

Izbor zmagovalca poteka vsak dan trajanja nagradne igre na sedežu izvajalca nagradne igre, izvedla pa ga bo s strani organizatorja potrjena komisija.

Izbor bo opravljen tako, da bo izmed vseh udeležencev nagradne igre nagrajenca izbrala 3-članska komisija predstavnikov izvajalca, ki izpolnjuje zahteve 4. člena. Zmagovalec bo izbran na podlagi izvirnosti poslane zgodbe na podlagi glasovanja članov komisije. Izbor bo posnet oz. se bo o njem vodil zapisnik. Posnetek ali zapisnik se hrani na sedežu organizatorja nagradne igre v skladu s temi pravili.

Ob zaključku nagradne igre bo nagrajenec obveščen po osebnem sporočilu omrežja Instagram. Vsi udeleženci nagradne igre se z udeležbo v nagradni igri izrecno in nepreklicno strinjajo z uporabo podatkov profila za namen razglasitev rezultatov nagradne igre. Rezultati žrebanja so dokončni in pritožba nanje ni mogoča. 


7. Prevzem nagrade

Pogoj za pridobitev nagrade je, da udeleženci izpolnjujejo pogoje iz 3. člena ter soglašajo s Pravili in pogoji sodelovanja v nagradni igri. Nagrajenec bo kontaktiran s strani organizatorja nagradne igre in bo obveščen o možnosti prevzema nagrade.

Nagrajenec bo nagrado lahko prevzel na stojnici pivovarne Bevog na festivalu PRH 2.4. v času trajanja festivala.

Organizator si pridržuje pravico, da ne podeli nagrad, če:

    • se pojavi dvom o istovetnosti podatkov;
    • nagrajenec ne izpolni pogojev za prevzem nagrade;
    • se ugotovi, da je uporabnik v igri sodeloval v nasprotju s pravili in pogoji nagradne igre;
    • se nagrajenec v roku dveh dni ne javi z dodatnimi informacijami, ki jih potrebuje organizator za podelitev nagrade;
    • v drugih primerih, ko podelitev nagrade ne bi bila možna ali zakonita.


8. Izključitev odgovornosti

Organizator ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za:

  • motnje ali otežen dostop do spletne strani ali družbenih omrežij Facebook ali Instagram;
  • kakršnekoli posledice, ki bi jih sodelujoči utrpel zaradi sodelovanja v nagradni igri ali nagradnem žrebanju;
  • nedostavljene pošiljke z nagradami;
  • kakršnekoli posledice ob koriščenju nagrad.


9. Varovanje osebnih podatkov
Vsi osebni podatki so varovani v skladu s temi Pravili, splošnimi akti organizatorja nagradne igre s področja varovanja osebnih podatkov in skladno z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVOP-1) in s Splošno uredbo EU o varstvu podatkov (Uredba (EU) 2016/679).

Sodelujoči v nagradni igri organizatorju kot upravljavcu zbirke osebnih podatkov dovoljuje, da zbira in obdeluje njegove osebne podatke za namene:

  • izvedbe nagradne igre skladno s temi splošnimi pogoji;
  • obveščanja izbranih v skladu s temi pogoji;
  • objave izbranih skladno s temi splošnimi pogoji;
  • podelitve nagrade;
  • deljenje objavljene zgodbe na svojem profilu 


Upravljavec pridobljenih podatkov v nobenem primeru ne bo posredoval ali razkril tretjim osebam. Sodelujoči ima pravico do vpogleda, prepisa, kopiranja, dopolnitve, popravka, blokiranja in izbrisa osebnih podatkov, ki se nanašajo nanj. Čas hrambe: Osebni podatki izbranih bodo obdelani do izvedbe, vključno s predajo, nato pa bodo izbrisani. Vse informacije v zvezi z varstvom osebnih podatkov so dosegljive na Za vsa vprašanja in za izvajanje svojih pravic se lahko udeleženec obrne na pooblaščeno osebo e-pošta:


10. Dokumentacija

Dokumentacijo v zvezi z nagradno igro hrani izvajalec, in sicer: dokumentacija v zvezi z organizacijo in izvedbo nagradne igre ter tudi ta pravila se hranijo v prostorih izvajalca do konca nagradne igre; dokumentacija v zvezi z izbranimi (obvestila o osebnih podatkih, davčna dokumentacija) se hrani pri izvajalcu nagradne igre v skladu z veljavnimi davčnimi in računovodskimi predpisi. Po preteku zgoraj navedenih rokov izvajalec dokumentacijo uniči v skladu s svojimi internimi akti.


11. Dostop do pravil nagradne igre
Navodila nagradne igre so na voljo na spletni strani, kjer so dostopna in na vpogled vsem udeležencem. 


12. Ostale določbe
Organizator in izvajalec ne odgovarjata za nepravilno oddane podatke. Odločitev organizatorja nagradne igre o vseh vprašanjih v zvezi z nagradno igro in pravilih, povezanih z njo, je dokončna in velja za vse udeležence. V primeru kakršnegakoli spora ali nejasnosti štejejo ta pravila za primarna v odnosu do vseh morebitnih drugih objav, bodisi v tiskani, elektronski ali katerikoli drugi obliki. Avtentično tolmačenje teh pravil določa izključno organizator.

Organizator nagradne igre si pridržuje pravico sprememb teh Pravil, če to zahtevajo pravni, tehnični ali komercialni razlogi. O vseh morebitnih spremembah teh Pravil bo udeležence obvestil z objavo na spletni strani, kjer so dosegljiva pravila nagradne igre.

Za vse morebitne spore iz naslova nagradne igre, ki jih ni mogoče rešiti sporazumno, je pristojno sodišče v Murski Soboti. Ta pravila začnejo veljati z dnem sprejema.

Gornja Radgona, 6. 8. 2024

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Überprüfung der Volljährigkeit



There are unfortunately legal limitations on international shipping of alcohol beverages. Therefore we are shipping our beer to Austria and Slovenia only.
For other countries we can ship just all of the non alcohol items. Thank you for understanding. -  If you are from Slovenia, do choose the Slovenian Shop. (Če prihajate iz Slovenije, vstopite v slovensko trgovino)



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